Sunday, February 15, 2009


Not much new to post, other than a few pics. Her wheezing def seems to be getting better throughout the day. She's still pretty grumpy - & we haven't been able to get a smile out of her. But we'll keep making monkey noises & let you know when she does.

And here's a pic of her neck where they did the surgery. It's looking pretty good.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates. I really appreciate it. It's so hard to sit here and not know how she is doing.
I wouldn't want to smile if I was bound up like that either. I like her hair-bow, looks good on her.
Love ya,
Nana Carol

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the updates! You guys are still in our prayers.

Cat =)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the updates! Praying that wheeze is gone by morning....she is such a trooper.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. The bow looks pretty! Thinking about you all!
~Auntie Natalie