Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More sucking

Alex was awake for awhile tonight, although a bit out of it. She doesn't seem to have much strength and she let's us know when she's uncomfortable. Most of time it's because she needs to be suctioned as she cannot cough with the breathing tube in. She's been struggling a little tonight and the docs had to bump her up on oxygen. But it's to be expected with the ridiculous amounts of mucus her body is producing.

We are heading home to get some rest and hope that our baby girl has a good night.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there guys. You're little girl will pull through. Meg and I are wishing you the best and sending you positive thoughts and prayers.

Jay and Meg

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Nana Carol

Anonymous said...

My prayers are there for the three of you. Hang in there...Hope will gain her strength and begin the uphill climb soon.
Love you,
Aunt Lisa

Anonymous said...

Alex is so precious. We are praying for her health and your strength during this rough time.
Thanks for keeping us updated.

Rachel and John

Anonymous said...

The Franzen's are praying for you. Alex is in Regan's prayer every night.

Matt, Sarah, Regan, Paul, Becky and Drew

Anonymous said...

Still thinking about you all :) Hope today shows some improvement but if not that's perfectly ok. Whenever Alex is good and ready! Keep us updated. Love you
~Auntie Natalie

Anonymous said...

My love, hope, and prayers go out to you both and to our precious Alexandra.


Anonymous said...

The three of you are in our constant thoughts and prayers.
Stay strong...

Love you all,

Aunt Nadine

Anonymous said...

Hi there. We just found out about these most recent happenings. We are praying for your sweet baby and for both of you!

Buddy & Sheri