Saturday, May 2, 2009

Productive day

Alex got in a couple of good long naps today and overall seemed to be feeling better. Mommy worked on organizing the millions of photos we have taken since Alex was born which is turning into a bigger project than I anticipated. Oh well, guess we have lots of time here at the hospital and I feel better if it's spent being productive. As you can tell from the photo above, daddy was productive too :)

Alex's aunties came to visit us and aside from that it was a pretty quiet day here. Keep praying for a speedy recovery and healing.

Much Love,
The Diffees


Anonymous said...

I think Alex & daddy have the right idea for the proper way to spend a rainy/snowy afternoon (at least it's like that in Wyoming today)!!! Keep holding your own with the appetite honey so the vampires stay away from you.
Great Aunt Lisa

Anonymous said...

I agree, that is a good way to spend a rainy day. I'm posting this from Nita's computer in Dallas. No matter where I am, I have to check on our Warrior Princess. Love and prayers to you three.
Nana Carol

Anonymous said...

Glad you're getting stuff done!!

Hope Alex continues to get better every day!!
