Thursday, August 7, 2014

Another PICU visit

It's been one long week for Alex and our family.  Alex was having symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) over the weekend so after an emergency department visit she was put on antibiotics and we were sent on our way. She seemed to be feeling better, until Tuesday when things went downhill fast landing her right back in the emergency room.  After a many tests, pokes and prodding (I'm not kidding, she has an IV in her neck) she was transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit.  Tests came back last night showing Alex has urosepsis, a severe bacterial infection that starts in the urinary tract and spreads into the bloodstream.   She's being treated with IV antibiotics and is in the best care.

Mommy has been working many night shifts in a row and daddy had also been on nightshift duty with Alex several nights so we are two sleep deprived, slightly delirious, parents. We've been taking turns napping and of course hanging out with Ryan at home. I woke up this morning in the ICU, confused of where I was.  My brain is definitely still trying to catch up to what's happened and to the realization that Alex is in the ICU.  We certainly did not see this coming or expect to be in the hospital.  We appreciate all the prayers and love everyone has been sending...keep em coming.


Cat said...


Anonymous said...

Morning Alex. I hope you are feeling better today. Nana loves you very much. You are my Warrior Princess!!!