Sunday, January 1, 2012

Havin a great day

Alex has been doing great, and she's able to get up and around in her
wheelchair. They're saying if she keeps doing this well, she could get
out as early as tomorrow.


Wendy - bus driver said...

Makes my heart happy to see my baby doll doing great!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jimmy and Nicole
It also makes me smile to see such a beautiful and strong girl!!!
Alex and Alli look so similar sometimes especially when they smile. They are going to be great women someday. God was listening I prayed so hard every night, for Alex to get well!!
Lots of love from MT

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! In time to greet nana!!!

Anonymous said...

Excited to hear the good news! I hope you guys get to go home soon and get things back to normal. Praying for you guys! Jenene ;)