I took this photo today during Alex's double therapy session. She has physical therapy once a week and then once a month we have a home visit from a teacher of the visually impaired. She comes to help us learn the best ways to enhance Alex's sensory experiences and learning.
I think we've mentioned this before, but just to give a little history, Alex's vision is fine however she does have some issues with eye function most likely caused by her Spina Bifida. Early last year her PT noticed she was having difficulty looking to her right side along with some other issues so she had a vision test and functional vision evaluation done. She was diagnosed with two functional issues and the doctor recommended we take her twice a week to an infant and toddler class offered through Anchor Center for Blind Children. It's a non-profit organization dedicated to providing early intervention and education to blind and visually impaired children throughout Colorado. The center is amazing. It was built in 2007 and it's about 2 minutes from our house. When I took her there for her initial visit last summer they had us wait in a dark room filled with lights, textures, and sounds. As good as this option sounded to us (and Alex too who I'm sure would like to be around kids her age) we couldn't risk Alex being exposed to so many germs. We've settled for home visits for now and maybe this summer she can attend class.
Did you check out those two front teeth. Alex got those for Christmas :)
Hi Nicole and Jimmy,
Alex's is so cute! Love her new teeth:)
You and Jimmy are such wonderful parents!! You have a beautiful family!
I love her shirt! And she's looking all grown up with her little teeth coming in.
she is quite a little lady! teeth are very exciting. the holland story is such a poetic way to put it and helps the rest of us relate to your situation a bit more. i haven't been able to view the christmas videos yet but the pictures are beautiful, alex and isaa will have to have a tissue paper party when they meet - it was his favorite too! sorry you couldn't make it to tulsa but it was crazy weather as you probably heard. though nothing you're not used to up there i'm sure. - kat
She is such a camera hog.. and is a beautiful model to be sure. I'm so glad to be here visiting with you all. And I'd say the weather here has been slightly better than it was when I was in Tulsa.
Nana Carol
Too cute!
~Auntie Natalie
Wow she has grown since I last saw her.. She is too cute=)
Hope you all are doing well!!
Thanks so much for sharing your experience parenting such a wonderful little girl! My husband and I are expecting a little boy in May that has Spina Bifida (L3/L4). Reading SB blogs has really helped us wrap our heads around SB and see the joy will come despite the significant medical problems. Little Alex seems like such a little warrior!!! Thank you again!
Dear Nicole, Jimmy and Alex
Sorry for the terrible tragidy!!
I will pray for you!!!
I hope Alex is doing well and the other one on the way is well too!
We are still coming on June 7th but don't worry if we see you that is great if not not a big deal!
I hope your family stays strong!
Dear Nicole Jimmy and Alex
I am so sorry for your loss
We will pray that your family stays strong thourgh this terrible time!!! I hope Alex and her soon to be sibling are doing well!
We are still coming June 7th but don't worry if we see you great, if not we'll catch you next time!!
Love Amber
She is so cute, especially when she flashed her two teeth! Hope she is doing fine right now. Just don't give up in taking care of your daughter, no matter how difficult it is. :)
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