Friday, October 16, 2009

Funny girl

So we're officially on lockdown for the winter - so far, so good. Alex has another UTI, but we'll take that over a hospital visit any day. Lately Alex has taken to entertaining herself by screaming, then thinking it's funny & cracking up. We caught her on video & just had to share:


Anonymous said...

How precious is that. She is such a beautifully spirited child. We love you Alex.
Thanks for sharing that moment with all of us.

Anonymous said...

I love it. Poppaw Bud and I laughed. Alex is so funny. We could all learn lessons from her on how to entertain ourselves. Love and lots of smiles and laughter cures alot of things.
Nana Carol &
Poppaw Bud

Lacy said...

I just LOVED that video!!! Thanks for the laughs and smiles tonight.

yonderkat said...

that is so funny, isaac has been screaming a lot too. it used to sound just like this, like a little pterodactyl. now it's more high pitched and long and loud, like a soaring eagle. he doesn't follow with a cute little laugh though (we fill that in for him).