Monday, October 27, 2008


I have to apologize for not posting sooner. We've been super busy with our little stinkbug, but thought we owed you all some recent pics. As you can see, there's no shortage of milk - Alex is just over 13 weeks now and pushing 13 pounds.

She smiles all the time, especially when Nic plays the guitar for her - it's amazing to watch. She just laughed for the 1st time last week. We grabbed the camera and tried to capture the moment (the photo where I'm holding the red toy up in the air) but it was a pretty short-lived giggle.

She loves being outside, as you can see from the pictures we took in the park. Her health has been great, and we couldn't be more thankful. She sleeps nearly 8 hours a night, which makes for a happy baby - and happy parents :)

We'll try to post pics more often - so you don't miss out on all the fun we're having.



Anonymous said...

Wow... she is growing like a little piglet. And that includes growing prettier each day. She has such a beautiful smile. I love and miss all 3 of you. But soon I get to see you again and hold that chunker.

Anonymous said...

how cute! She is adorable!

Anonymous said...

OH my goodness! It brought tears to my eyes to see how beautiful her smile is! I miss her soo much I need to go over and see her soon! Miss you guys!

Aunty Lauren

Anonymous said...

O my! Still precious as ever! Im glad I got to spend time with you three this weekend. She sure is an eater! I love to look in her eyes, see her smile and listen to her unique sounds. Im still available to babysit :) LMK. ttys. love you!
~Auntie Natalie

Anonymous said...

I had not checked the blog in a while. She is growing so fast and so very pretty! (must take after her momma) God is so good - all the time!
L. Geppelt Tulsa

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. Thank you for posting them and for the update. It is amazing to me to watch her grow and to see you both in love with her!

Anonymous said...

hey more pictures! :)

Kate said...

I can't believe how big she is! I'm very happy to hear she's healthy and enjoying the sights and scenes of the world.
Kate Egan (student nurse)

Anonymous said...

Hello Nicole and Jimmy it's been three weeks since we have seen new pictures of the little Angel. Cynthia Goodwill Industries.

Anonymous said...

She sure is growing into a beauty! Was fun to get time with Hope at Gram's. I'll never forget the turkey so when you read this Hope, ask mom and dad about it! They were rotten to Great Aunt Lisa!!!
Love you all lots.

Aunt Lisa

Anonymous said...

Awwww! She is so cute! We need to get together! I'm so glad that her health is good! Love Ya Guys! Jenene